
There are several types of regular updates on this website. Each has its own feed, as it caters to a potentially different audience. You can choose the format you like.

ContentRSS 2.0Atom 1.0JSON Feed 1.0
All Posts/feed.xml/atom.xml/feed.json
English Posts/en-feed.xml/en-atom.xml/en-feed.json

RSS feeds and how to use them

A web “feed”, also known as “RSS (opens in a new tab) feed” or “Atom feed” depending on technicalities, is a stream of data that gets updated every time something new is added to the webpage it tracks. For example, a blog’s feed will contain all newly published articles.

There are quite a number of RSS reader programs to choose from, which is a simple program that reads the RSS feed and displays the list of articles in a way that makes them easy to browse. Some are free, while others are paid programs that you need to purchase or subscribe to.

I strongly recommend NetNewsWire (opens in a new tab), a free and open source RSS reader for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. If you happen to use other platform, please googling by yourself.